Friday, February 15, 2008

CFA, Driving, and Inner Monologue

[migrated from myspace blog]

I got to go in late to work today because no one was on the schedule to fly until 10:00, and there was no afternoon dispatcher on the schedule, so I had to stay late. But that gave me the chance to go to Chick-fil-A for breakfast without having to get up before the sun does. Plus I knew they had Free Breakfast Friday, so I got a free chicken biscuit for breakfast, and bought a second one for lunch.

On the way back to the base, this one driver was holding everyone else up. It's 45 mph, no reason to do 30...UNLESS you're busy doing things OTHER than driving. This guy's got a GPS on his dash, a bluetooth on his ear, and he's drinking a bottle of water. How he found time to bother with controlling the vehicle is beyond me.

Which brings me to creepy Mr. Rogers-looking dude at work today. He started off in the office with the manager for an hour or two and is apparently doing an audit of selected member folders on Tuesday. He sat there in the office with his legs crossed, the way that only skinny tall guys (and women) can, and his khakis are clearly way too short, only coming down to the bottom of his calves in this position, revealing his white socks. Eventually he left the office by himself and walked past my desk, walking around the table and talking at that volume where you can't quite be sure if he's talking to you, so you keep looking up to see if he's looking in your direction, but he's not. So then I wonder if he's on the the phone with a magical earpiece. I had to wait until got around to the other side of the counter to see his right ear and sure enough, nothing. Okay, then I wasn't annoyed, I was just creeped out. This guy spent a full 2 minutes mumbling to himself. How full does your brain have to be that it's impossible to think without every thought dribbling out of your mouth?

The base commander came to the club today in an unofficial capacity. She was visiting with a friend who was stopping for fuel on the way from Scott AFB near STL to New York. At one point she pulled out a wooden nickel someone had had engraved for her with her name and the base shield. It had head and tails, and it was a "decision" coin on whether or not to close the base. Heads: Close the base. Tails: Close the base. She said it landed on its edge Tuesday, because there was only a start delay (and someone apparently forgot to open the gates, so I happened to see lines of traffic on the highway just before 10:00 that day). Anyway, I thought the coin was clever.

BTW, if you need a pre-determined day in February to tell someone you love them, you probably don't.

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