Saturday, March 31, 2012

Two weeks one post.
My shin pain has gone on longer than I expected...I think my insistence in returning to running every couple of days kept it from healing as quickly as it could.

March 18-24
Only a couple of runs, tying to keep off the leg.
20th - 2.4
24th - 4.25

6.65 for the week

March 25-31
25th - 3.5
28th - 4
31st - 4.6

12.1 for the week

138.9 for the calendar year

Also got my bicycle out after a long hiatus and rode 8.75 on the 29th.

Hopefully I can pick up the pace a little next week. New running shorts arrived in the mail today, too.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

3/11 - 3/17

Had to nurse a shin splint this week. Didn't want to take any chances after reading about hairline fractures, etc. Plus I didn't want to be sore for the fun run Saturday. First time really running with other people. There were plenty of people in front, but also plenty behind. It was quite a confidence boost to still have the energy to pass people on the last 1/2 mile and really stretch out my stride.

3/11/2012 3
3/13/2012 4
3/16/2012 2.25
3/17/2012 3.1

Week: 12.35

Year: 120

181 days to go

Saturday, March 10, 2012

3/4 - 3/10

Weekly summary:

3/4/2012 3.6
3/5/2012 3.6
3/6/2012 3.3
3/8/2012 2.4
3/9/2012 4
3/10/2012 4

Week: 20.9

Calendar year: 107.9 miles

Next Saturday is the St. Patrick's Day 5K/10K fun run.

188 days until the Air Force 10K. I feel like I'm ahead of schedule, but that's good. Still more than 6 months to go. Hopefully I'l be 30 pounds lighter by then.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I think today was the first time someone I knew saw me running. At least someone that told me about it. I was told I looked like a ninja. Most of my cold-weather running clothes are black, so I always try to finish up before sunset. It reminded me of a time in college when we were walking to dinner and we always had to cross the street to get to the cafeteria. It was autumn and my hands were in my jacket pocket when I ran across the road. Despite being 6' 3" and 215 pounds, and only having 2 legs, one of the guys from my floor insisted I looked like a gazelle bounding across the street, so he called me that for quite awhile afterwards.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I decided to quit posting runs every day and just post a weekly summary. It's still not "easy" to run 3 miles, but my body definitely has crossed a new threshold over the past week. 5K became the norm. Breathing isn't labored. Legs still get tired of course, but they're still pushing 236 pounds down the road (down at least 10 pounds, but I didn't buy the scale until I'd been running for 3 weeks).

2/27/2012 2.5
2/28/2012 3.1
3/1/2012 3.1
3/2/2012 3.1
3/3/2012 3.1

14.9 for the week (Sunday - Saturday)

I expect to pass 100 miles for the year by the end of this coming week.

195 days to go.