Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Back...for real

I'm finally back to running.

My post-injury goal was to be running again by June 15th, since that was exactly 3 months before the Air Force Marathon. I was able to start back on the 11th, but I still didn't fully understand my shin splints until the 13th when I was volunteering at a water stop for a trail run. The guy working with me gave me some leg exercises with a paint can hanging from my foot. It strengthens the shin muscles to balance the calf growth that occurs in a new runner.

I've also changed the way I run, taking shorter steps and landing mid-foot with my body weight over top, not behind, my foot.

Any pain that was left is nearly gone, and I'm building my endurance back up, but still only at about 1/2 my previous time/distance I was running in March. I keep adding 1/4-mile every few days, so my body is getting used to it again. I'm sure I can be ready by September 15th, and I want to be down to 199 pounds by then.

More than 13 miles last week, running every day.

Over 160 miles for the year. Should have been a lot more, but I can't change that now.