Thursday, January 31, 2008

Top 10 LOST "reveals"

[migrated from myspace blog]

Creepiest reveal / honorable mention, Episode: Raised by Another - Ethan wasn't on the plane. "Hello there."

10. Episode: A Tale of Two Cities - The Others live in the suburbs

9. Episode: The 23rd Psalm - Mr. Eko sees the "smoke monster"

8. Episode: Live Together, Die Alone - Penny is still looking for (and just found?) Desmond

7. Episode: Lockdown - Blacklight map on the blast door

6. Episode: Man of Science, Man of Faith - There's a dude living down the hatch

5. Episode: Numbers - Hurley's numbers are on the side of the hatch

4. Episode: The Man from Tallahassee - Locke's dad is on the island

3. Episode: Walkabout - Locke was in a wheelchair

2. Episode: The Man Behind the Curtain - Jacob

1. Episode: Through the Looking Glass - Flashforward!

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