Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday to Sunday

All rights belong to Poor Old Lu and Tooth and Nail Records. Just buy the CD if you like it. The other ones are out of print but equally worth owning. I plan to write more on the band in the future if I can find the words. In the meantime, I think these lyrics deserve special attention. It's a story about a group of people who put all their hopes in one man, only to have those hopes dashed when that man died, and what they must have felt during the next 36 hours. They'd experienced Friday, but they didn't know that Sunday's coming.

Darkness fell across the land
Our hope fell in the sand
And there it was
Though for certain we stood still
The earth shook and spilled
Then gave it up
Could we believe our eyes
When life has tossed us aside?
So turn and hang your head
He is given up for dead
And so am I

So give me the light to understand
The fight to comprehend the whys
So give me the mind to step ahead
When I hear what You’ve said and hide

The night turned to day
The days fade away
And so it was
The hours wouldn’t pass
And forever couldn’t last
We gave it up
We were fixed on the door
Waiting for… is this a dream?
Tell us how to feel
Can it be that this is real?
What am I?

So give me the light to understand
The fight to comprehend the whys
So give me the mind to step ahead
When I hear what You’ve said and hide

We once were full of hope to know
He’s opened up our eyes
But if He walks across the sea
What does any of it mean
If He has died

But the stone was rolled away
And the angel came to say
He’s alive, He is alive
But the stone was rolled away
And we just have to say
He’s alive

So give me the light to understand
The fight to comprehend the whys
So give me the mind to step ahead
When I hear what You’ve said and hide

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