Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2nd Roll

Here is roll 2 from the Holga. Shot with the 6 x 4.5 mask instead of 6 x 6, meaning you get 16 instead of 12 shots from 1 roll. Unfortunately I someone had the switch on the bottom of the camera on "B" instead of "N". This means instead of 1/100 shutter speed exposure, the shutter stayed open as long as my finger held the button down. Clearly this is long enough to cause the image to blur. Here are the few that are at least interesting, though not like I hoped.

Not sure why these have streaks across the top. Most likely reason I can figure is that this is the effect of the sunlight hitting the lens directly. Although they seem oddly straight for a lens flair. I suppose there could have been a light leak or something when I was unloading it, since this was at the end of the roll.

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