Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Grrrrr!!! Fox cancels Drive

[migrated from myspace blog]

I should have expected as much from the network that canceled Firefly after airing the episodes out of order and not airing the pilot until the end. 4 episodes (if you count the 2-hour premiere as 2)? Ridiculous! I now believe the 5th Graders from Are You Smarter Than...are in charge over there.

My email to Fox:

Is there ANYONE at the network that's smarter than a 5th Grader?! Firefly, now Drive. You people are nuts. You don't deserve to have the talents of Nathan Fillion and Tim Minear in your filthy Simon Cowell-infested studios.

Drive has been impounded.

Multiple sources confirm that Fox has axed the Tim Minear creation after less than three weeks on the air. I'll go out on a limb and say the show's crappy ratings were to blame. House encores will take over its Monday/8 pm time slot.

There is one piece of good news: I'm hearing the final two unaired Drive eps may get burned off on consecutive Fridays in May.


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