Friday, January 12, 2007

Extra! Extra!

[migrated from myspace blog]

International TV is an interesting creature in today's world of instant gratification and internet access. Australian and European audiences have to wait months longer than American audiences for their channels to air such shows as Lost and Heroes. The only international show I currently care about is Extras, which aired in September and October of last year in the U.K. Thanks to Al Gore's series of tubes, I was able to watch these episodes on my computer the same week they aired across the Atlantic, so when HBO started promoting "the new season" of Extras, my first thought was that they were already working on a third seaon. (The term "series" is used in place of "season" in the U.K., and with these shows, a series only consists of 6 episodes.) Ashley Jensen keeps the show from becoming too much of a boy's club (and that Scottish accent...second only to Keira Knightley's accent on the "I Could Listen to Her Forever" meter.)

Anyway, for anyone who hasn't yet seen Series 2 (which I have) and has HBO (which I don't):

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