Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Now in Color

This was my first roll of color 120 film (Ektar 100 ISO). I'm getting a little frustrated because it seems nearly every roll of 120 negatives I get back have physical damage to some part of the roll. This is kind of a big deal when you're only shooting 12 pictures. Every one needs to count. I think I need to find someplace that will develop by hand instead of running the film through a machine. Anyway, still got some good shots.

Additional shots:

I may add a few more once I get some of the damage retouch in Picasa.


kef said...

Love this roll. So is that physical damage from processing? As younger saw I had similar damage on my B&W roll but I assumed it was from the dislodged sponges.

kef said...

Somehow i managed to change "you" to "younger" on my fancy touchscreen phone. I'm too old for this technology.

BubbaCoop said...

Well, at first I thought it was the sponges, but this one didn't have any sponges wrapped up inside. It did have the one that came around the outside that might have put a little too much pressure on the film as it slid over the mask. I'm definitely planning on spending a few extra $$ on the doubles somewhere else and hopefully that'll be the solution.