Last Friday when I woke up there was an incredible amount of fog. I took this picture in B&W on my "new" point and shoot Canon Powershot SD780 IS Digital ELPH. I added a minimal amount of color and increased the contrast in GIMP.
My Fuji Z1 had been having some issues and wasn't really working right, even with a new battery, and I wanted a camera that would fit in my pocket. I picked this one because it also shoots video in HD at 720 x 1280 pixels, and numerous other features.
Speaking of photography, today I ordered a Holga 120N and a box of black and white Kodak T400 film, hopefully in time to take it with me to Virginia at Easter. This is essentially a $28 plastic "toy" with a simple plastic lens with back covers that tend to leak light in on the film unless electrical tape is used. However, it uses medium format film (read: higher resolution than 35mm) and can lead to interesting and sometimes unexpected results. It can be adapted for 35mm film, though, which allows you to use the entire film, capturing your image from edge to edge, even between the sprocket holes. I first heard of this type of camera on the LOST Season 1 DVD set that included photos taken by Matthew Fox on his Holga during filming, and collected as a gift book given to the cast. The shutter is uncoupled from the film advance, so double exposures are easy. One of the best shots I saw used a shutter release cable to lock open the shutter during a storm until lightning struck. People will often put a color filter in front of the lens, even with color film, cross-processing, intentional under- or over-exposures, and general experimentation.

This link has some example of the possibilities inherent in a toy plastic camera.
I'm super envious of your Holga. I've had one on my wishlist for about 2 years and still haven't taken the plunge.
The only "problem" I've found is that no one seems to develop the film locally. Everyone wants to send it out for processing. I'm planning to get a couple of rolls printed while I'm in Roanoke.
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