Friday, February 20, 2009

Shut it down

There have been rumors for months that Air Force Services is trying to shut down the Aero Club. They spent a million dollars on a golf course that loses money, but they don't want people to fly...the Air Force doesn't want people to fly. In their aggressive demands of budget cuts, they've caused us to lose our assistant manager who was the glue holding everything together. I believe they don't have the guts to pull the trigger on closing the club, so they're trying to bury us in paperwork until we collapse in on ourselves. In addition to dispatching airplanes today, I had to work on trying to get VA benefits for some pilots, and try to get some others of us paid (already a week late), only to find out that the forms we have aren't in the new specified format, which the assistant manager had been refusing to use, apparently. So I have to redo payroll and part of the VA benefit paperwork tomorrow.

I want to set something on fire.

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