Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Voice in My Pocket
None of this has anything to do with the point of my post. On my way back to our meeting, I had the radio on WHIO. I don't actually listen to any radio stations that play music, since I can pick my own playlists by having CDs in my car. Yes, I still listen to CDs, even though I have an iPod. 99% of my music listening is either CDs in the car or mp3s on computer speakers. On the flip side, 90% of my iPod use is listening to podcasts. Since it was about 10 after 6, Clark Howard was on the radio and I was about 2 blocks away from the meeting when I realized I could hear another voice faintly coming through underneath and between the one on my car speakers. At first I thought WHIO was letting another show sneak through on the airwaves, so I turned up the volume knob trying to hear this mystery voice, but of course that only made Clark Howard louder. So I tried to turning it all the way down to see if it would go away. No luck, it must not be coming from the radio at all. I checked the cell phone laying in the passenger's seat, but it was dark, and the keypad was locked. I was starting to worry and feeling a bit like Truman Burbank, and getting a little distracted from my driving.
Did somebody plant something in my car? Were my dental fillings picking up secret Air Force transmissions? Wait, I've got my iPod in my inner jacket pocket with the ear buds still plugged in. I guess the slider lock must have gotten turned off. Peter Kreeft was giving a lecture on C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. How long had it been playing? Just about 10 minutes, apparently, so about the time I got in the car at City BBQ, somehow pressed just right by the seatbelt. A rather anticlimactic explanation, but thankfully innocuous.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Oh, it's Zero
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sigh of relief
We're pleased to inform you all that Sony's confirmed that the BD release will actually be Leon: The Professional, and will include BOTH the much-loved international cut as well as the U.S. theatrical version. This is in addition to the extras we mentioned yesterday, which should include 3 featurettes (10 Year Retrospective: Cast and Crew Look Back, Jean Reno: The Road to Leon and Natalie Portman: Starting Young), as well as a BD-Java Fact Track.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I used to own the 2-sided disc of Amadeus until the 2-disc Director's cut was announced and I bought that one instead. It's a long movie and I've never done a side-by-side comparison, but I recall being told that not only were some scenes added, but one scene was actually deleted from the theatrical cut. It's the theatrical cut that won the Oscar, not the recut, now-with-75%-more-nudity version. While I have no objection to directors releasing different versions of a film, I insist on at least having the option to watch the original (George Lucas). So why have Yakko and Wacko refused to include both versions of the film on the same Blu-ray Disc using seamless branching?
Natalie Portman's first film, The Professional (Léon) is another interesting case. I've owned it on DVD 3 different times. The first time it was The Professional, then when Léon (the longer, international cut of the same film) came out, I bought it, only to find it had been recalled for faulty audio, so I returned it for the corrected copy. For this film, the longer version was not an extended version. Rather, the film released as The Professional was a shorted version of the director's original vision, the internatinally-released "Léon". Apparently the distributor wasn't comfortable showing too much footage of a 12-year-old girl learning to be an assassin, just some of it. Sony, the original backer of Blu-ray, has announced that the forthcoming release of The Professional will NOT include Léon, which again, could EASILY be done through seamless branching.
So I will continue to wait for the original versions of these movies. I refuse to spend my money on these while the possibility, or more likely, inevitability, exists of a Blu-ray release of my preferred version, or better yet, both in the same package.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Indian Cuisine in the Dayton area
I'm not very much into the lentil dishes, but there were plenty of vegetarian choices, including potatos and peppers in the same type of sauce as the Chicken Tikka Masala. The other chicken dishes were Chicken Curry, and Tandoori Chicken on a huge bed of onions. I have to admit, I prefer the spinach from Jeet India, but the naan at Maharaja is the superior of the two. Mahraja also offers a different cold bar, with fried cheese curd in syrup, a different flavor of "exotic" ice cream, and pineapple for dessert.
So now to the real reason I'm encourage anyone with a taste for Indian food in the area to give Maharaja a try. Both times I've been there the food and service have been terrific. The owner and staff are very friendly. "They" say when people have a good restaurant experience they tell just a few people, but then tell or 5 times that many people about a bad experience, so this is me telling as many people about a good place to because I'd like to see them do well, and selfishly want it to stay open, after having seen it so empty today.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Can't Stop the Serenity
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Live in person
Monday, June 8, 2009
Bad driver of the day, Monday edition
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Bad driver of the day
At Wright-Patt they've put in removable steel posts to replace the previous orange traffic barriers. There are two lanes going through the gate. As you turn from the light, the right lane is blocked off, then the left lane, then the right lane again at the guard post. Obviously you have to drive slow and zigzag to get through them, which is the point. Not too long before I got there, one driver apparently didn't see the 3rd set of posts (and was in the right lane despite the fact that the guard post is on the left). She managed to ruin one of the posts by attempting to drive through it.
I was stopped at a red light on 202 at Executive heading South when another car pulled up on my left. The light for the cross traffic turned red and he started to creep into the intersection. Opposite-direction traffic obviously had a green arrow, as they were turning in front of us, but he continued to creep forward until he was fully half way into the intersection by the time we got a green light. He passed under 70 and pulled into the center lane, apparently to turn into Waffle House, but instead did a U-turn to head back onto 70 at the point where he could have turned left. Apparently he's much too important to wait for the left turn arrow, or to follow things like, I don't know, Ohio traffic laws, which apparently don't apply to him. I guess my question is, why did he feel an illegal U-turn is less offensive than an illegal left on red?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Faking it

This particular vehicle owner apparently thought he could get away with not spending the money on a real one (and really, why would anyone want to?), and instead had a silver reflective sticker (!), designed to look similar to the above photo, affixed to his gas cap door. It was rendered even more absurd by the fact that it covered only about 90% of the surface of the door, and it was a flat sticker that could not be made to lay flat against the convex lip of the door (again, as above).
I really need to do better at having my camera with me whenever I leave the house.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Burn in Me
Fire of God
Burn in me
Capture my heart again
Pull me through
Make me clean
I'm reaching for your love
Come carry me now
I'm crying out
For someone I can not see
Come carry me now
I'm crying
How I long to be broken
How I want to be near you
How my heart skips beats when
Your love accepts me as I am
Breathe of God
Breath on me
Hold me in your hands
Take my life
This offering
And use me where I am
Come carry me now
I'm crying out
For someone I can not see
Come carry me now
I'm crying
How I long to be broken
How I want to be near you
How my heart skips beats when
Your love accepts me as I am
How I long to be broken
How I want to be near you
How my heart skips beats when
Your love accepts me as I am
Come burn in me
Come burn in me
Come burn in me
Burn in me
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Once again, for the first time.
The Office U.K.
Fight Club
The Usual Suspects
The Shawshank Redemption
The Matrix
The Time Traveler's Wife
I could probably come up with a few more, but I'd rather read yours, so what are they?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Blind spot
Ohio Revised Code
(B) No person shall drive any motor vehicle, other than a bus, with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, sidewings, side, or rear windows of such vehicle other than a certificate or other paper required to be displayed by law, except that there may be in the lower left-hand or right-hand corner of the windshield a sign, poster, or decal not to exceed four inches in height by six inches in width. No sign, poster, or decal shall be displayed in the front windshield in such a manner as to conceal the vehicle identification number for the motor vehicle when, in accordance with federal law, that number is located inside the vehicle passenger compartment and so placed as to be readable through the vehicle glazing without moving any part of the vehicle.
Then why are so many people driving around Ohio with their disabled parking permit hanging from the rear-view mirror, especially when the placard has this printed on it: "IMPORTANT: REMOVE BEFORE DRIVING VEHICLE"?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Banana burger
"Tender Cajun–rubbed skirt steak served on toasted ciabatta with a blend of Colby and Monterey Jack cheeses, lettuce, tomato, onion & Chipotle mayo. Served with beer–battered onion rings."
Since I despise mayonnaise and tomatoes, I skipped both, but there's one very important flavor to this sandwich that I left out. Roasted plantains. Much more colorful and tasty than bananas, and it worked surprisingly well on the sandwich. If the steak was a little more tender it would be outstanding.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Play it again.
I experience something similar when I dig out older CDs I haven't listened to in a long time. It's like listening to an album for the first time again, but with all the appreciation that comes from familiarity and without that period of listening to an album several times, getting used to it before you really understand how good it is.
A couple of weeks ago I was using the Genius feature on my iPod and Chuck Berry's Johnny B. Goode came on. I found myself wondering what people hearing it for the first time on a jukebox in 1958 would have thought. Could they appreciate the fact that what they were listening to would become a sonic icon?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Check, please.
Chase recently installed a new ATM that doesn't use envelopes, but has one slot for checks and another into which the customer can put up to 100 bills for deposit, which will be counted by the machine. When they installed the new machine they apparently installed a new plastic front that goes all the way around, attached to the wall, and with decorative lights along the bottom to create a glow. There's about a 1/32" gap between this plastic moulding and the machine. I pressed the check against the machine to sign the back and it slipped out of my hand and fell straight through this tiny crack. That's it, it was gone. No way to get it back. I called the bank the next day and was told it's essentially in the wall and inaccessible until they replace the ATM front, but that she would put a work order in to have the crack sealed off. Especially since I wasn't the first person to whom this had happened. Not even the first person I know! My mom had the ATM receipt fall into the very same crack, and apparently someone else lost their ATM card. Anyway, they say they're going to solve the problem and I was able to get a stop-payment on the check at no charge.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It's Electronic
Next day:
And now it's broken again.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Snack time
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Volatility of the Internetz
What does this have to do with the Internet? I've noticed in more and more magazine articles and current events-type books (global warming, politics) cite specific web articles as sources and references. I haven't gone and looked at these (literally) hundreds of urls, but a person has to wonder how long these references will remain valid. In the past, sources cited would be other books, or newspaper articles that a person could find in the library. Solid. Physical. Even microfiche was something a person could hold in their hand. Internet articles are fragile, volatile entities that may or may not be around tomorrow. I realize most major news outlets are going to archive their articles for future reference, but even those may change. Christopher C. Horner, in Red Hot Lies, makes note of global warming articles changed multiple times within 24 hours due to outside pressures, often without even a note recording the edit.
They say that whatever we put on the internet never really goes away. Even if I delete this post, it's supposedly archived on a server hard drive somewhere. Who knows? That could very well be. My inane ramblings preserved forever (hey, if this guy [] can do it...).
I read an article online about a year ago (that I now can't find) about the exponential growth of information produced and saved and the need for new ways of saving it, but it's not all being saved. Anyone who has done an online search knows that some results will be a bad link because something has been taken down. I dealt with this last week when I was trying to find audio for a theology debate I know existed, but the first four or five links I tried yielded no results.
Short story long: I imagine a day when someone reads a book and wants to dig deeper, looking up the references cited, and can only find maybe half of the referenced articles because information stored as zeros and ones never required ink to touch paper.
St. Louis
Dewey's Pizza - All fresh ingredients. They don't own a freezer!
Ted Drewes (In STL since 1931)- Local frozen custard icon. There was a line at 8PM on a Monday night in 40 degree weather.
Chuck-A-Burger (Since 1957) - Classic diner.
Crown Candy Kitchen (Since 1913!)- The line never let up the whole time we were there, which was about 2 hours. We had roast beef and shakes...but no candy.
Sen Thai - Top reviewed Thai restaurant in the city. I usually get Massaman curry, but I had Japanese-style "Stew" curry which was thicker, like gravy.
Jennifer's Pharmacy and Soda Shop - I had a delicious coconut phosphate (carbonated soda water, flavored syrup and phosphoric acid), and some Gus's Pretzels. I wanted to go back for a Lime Rickey. I'll just have to wait.
Fitz's Root Beer - Had to pick up some of the local favorite for my brother.
And of course I have to mention Ericka's store, The Cupcakery. Two words: Buttercream Icing.
Also did a little bit of shopping at Vintage Vinyl.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Shut it down
I want to set something on fire.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Darwin's 200th birthday (and Abraham Lincoln's)
“Today it is perhaps the Darwinian view of nature more than any other that is responsible for the agnostic and skeptical outlook of the twentieth century.”
Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (London: Burnett Books, 1985), p. 358.
Darwin and Lincoln - The Race Connection
Ghost of Darwin
The Vanishing Case for Evolution
Do Species Change?
Natural Selection - Theory or Reality?
Couldn't God Have Used Evolution?
The New Answers Book
The New Answers Book II
Evolution Exposed
Refuting Compromise
In the Beginning Was Information
Not by Chance
Darwin's Black Box
The Edge of Evolution
Persuaded by the Evidence
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
P&P & Zombies movie?
According to the Sunday Times, Hollywood studios (I quote) are already fighting for the rights to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a Jane Austen rewrite that injects a little undead action and is due to hit bookstores in April.
Seth Grahame-Smith’s novel apparently makes liberal use of Austen’s original text, so far out of copyright that anybody could do anything they want to it with only the hordes of rampant Austenites to worry about. “About 85% is the original” says the author.
Grahame-Smith provides a sterling explanation of why the novel works in this brain-eating rerendering. “Why else in the original should a regiment arrive on Lizzie Bennet’s doorstep when they should have been off fighting Napoleon? It was to protect the family from an invasion of brain-eaters, obviously.”
Monday, February 2, 2009
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
I just had to laugh...and then laugh some more at the absurdity of the concept when I heard the description of this book being read on the radio this morning:
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies -- Pride and Prejudice and Zombies features the original text of Jane Austen's beloved novel with all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie action. As our story opens, a mysterious plague has fallen upon the quiet English village of Meryton—and the dead are returning to life! Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is determined to wipe out the zombie menace, but she's soon distracted by the arrival of the haughty and arrogant Mr. Darcy. What ensues is a delightful comedy of manners with plenty of civilized sparring between the two young lovers—and even more violent sparring on the blood-soaked battlefield as Elizabeth wages war against hordes of flesh-eating undead. Complete with 10 illustrations in the style of C. E. Brock (the original illustrator of Pride and Prejudice), this insanely funny expanded edition will introduce Jane Austen's classic novel to new legions of fans.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Béla Fleck / Edgar Meyer show audio files HELP!
I'm hoping someone stumbles across this and can help. A few years back I had downloaded a live Béla Fleck / Edgar Meyer show from (it's not there anymore) in lossless FLAC format:
Bela Fleck & Edgar Meyer
Benedict Music Tent
Aspen, CO
Apparently when I moved all my media to a new hard drive, it got lost, because I can't find the show at all.
If ANYONE has a lead on where I can find this recording in FLAC, please let me know.
Also, if anyone is aware of a recording of the November 2005 show in Mesa, AZ, I was at that one and it would be nice to have a recording of that as well.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Pushing Daisies and Blade Runner
What in the world could Pushing Daisies and Blade Runner have in common?
Valid question. When I was watching one of the Fall episodes of Pushing Daisies, there was a scene where the two main characters walk out of their respective apartment doors near the corner of what appeared to be a hallway. However, as the camera panned, the view was something like this.
Despite being well-lit, Blade Runner fans will immediately recognize this as the interior of the Bradbury Building in L.A., although it may be a little more recognizable like this.
This building has been used in quite a few movies, especially noir films...and now you're probably waiting on me to get to the point. Unfortunately I don't actually have one. It just caught me by surprise to see this building, which I'm most familiar with from the darkly-lit film Blade Rrunner, show up on the bright and colorful TV show Pushing Daisies (R.I.P. ...ironic).