Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Swell Season

[migrated from myspace blog]

What an incredible show last night in Columbus. After the opening act, and 2 songs from friends of Glen who happened to also be playing in the Columbus the same night at a different venue, Glen started off the show by stepping around the microphone and not plugging in his guitar, holding his finger to his mouth to quiet the audience, and playing Say It to Me Now with no amplification whatsoever. After introducing Marketa, they went straight into Falling Slowly, clearly to get it out of the way and not keep everyone waiting for an encore. The rest of The Frames were introduced as the backing band, and they played When Your Mind's Made Up together. They performed a mix of the songs from Once, Frames songs, covers, and new songs over the course of the night. The official set list (available as a download from playedlastnight.com) is:

01. Say It To Me Now
02. Falling Slowly
03. The Moon
04. When Your Mind's Made Up
05. I Have Loved You Wrong
06. Leave
07. Back Broke
08. Astral Weeks
09. Go With Happiness
10. Low Rising
11. Lies
12. Red Chord
13. The Hill
14. If You Want Me
15. Blueshoes
16. War Pigs
17. Fitzcarraldo
18. People Get Ready

The harmonies at the end are incredible. I was thinking while they were singing that they actually reminded me a little of the harmonies at the end of Coldplay's Fix You.

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