Thursday, April 10, 2008

Air Force One / Ghost Hunters

[migrated from myspace blog]

I've seen some interesting things in the time I've been at my job. DC-3, F-86, F-16s, F-15s, T-34s, A-10s, and of course plenty of C-5s. I've had the privilege of taking off and landing on the same piece of land used by Orville and Wilbur to develop their planes following their Kitty Hawk flight.

Tuesday I was returning from a flight with one of my students and saw a 747 flying in the pattern on the parallel runway. As it came around next to us on base to final, I could see the highly polished white and blue paint job and presidential seal on the side. Obviously the president was not on board, so it was not "Air Force One" at the time, but it was clearly one of the planes that uses that call sign. The call sign they were using was Venus Zero One. I didn't have my camera with me, but...

Then last night the Sci Fi channel aired an episode of Ghost Hunters which was recorded at Wright-Patt a few months ago. I don't usually watch those kinds of shows because I don't believe in ghosts lingering around on Earth after they die (Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43). But it was fun to see the hangers at the Aero Club where I work and all the other familiar sites around the base.

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