NBC, having broken their relationship with Apple and iTunes, is giving away series premieres for several shows through Amazon's Unbox video service. Last night I watched Chuck and was completely caught off-guard when the last song before the credits rolled turned out to be "Missionary" by The Brothers Martin (Jason of Starflyer 59 and Ronnie of Joy Electric). I'm not aware of any significant airplay for the band, so I have no idea how the Chuck producers got ahold of the song. They've only released one album under the Martin moniker, and SF59 and JE both have relatively small, but extremely solid fanbases.
The Criterion Collection has a new DVD release of The Lady Vanishes coming out. When looking it up online, I stumbled upon a Finnish region 2 DVD release of a The Lady Vanishes remake. Keep in mind, this is a remake of a Hitchcock film (bad idea 1), but the DVD cover looked really familiar. Hitchcock also directed a movie called North by Northwest. Judge for yourself:
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