Well, my recent blog certainly sparked a bit of discussion from the masses (okay, well at least two, but not all responses were posted as public comments).
One response came from 1/2 of a married couple who wrote that they almost exclusively hang out with single people. Fair enough.
First I want to clarify that my comments are generalities and readers should not make any attempt to apply said comments to anyone within my circle of friends and/or acquaintances. It's possible the exceptions outnumber the rule in this case. One situation sure to give rise to an exception is when the single person has been friends with one of the two married people since well before they got married. But I would see it as difficult to get to be good friends with a couple I'd never met before they were married.
Some of my frustration also comes from sitting through 3 weeks of sermons on marriage at church last month. They have marriage classes and marriage counseling and marriage sermons, but there is nothing devoted to singles (and having "singles" events in churches seems like social happenings designed to get the singles together so that some of them might become couples).
Also, some of the previous post was intended to humorous. I always question what will translate well across the webernet. Some things make sense inside my brain better than they might when written, resulting in, "I had to read one of the sentences in your first paragraph a couple of times before I understood what you were saying." Such is the challenge of impersonal communication. How does one communicate sarcasm without having "tone of voice" at one's disposal? Emoticons? I don't even know which one that would be, but I don't think it's this one:
Completely unrelated:
Could "I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With" be the best movie title of all time?
If anyone has lots of spare time, spare crayons, a knife, and incredible patience (talent should go without saying)...
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