Friday, August 31, 2007


[migrated from myspace blog]

Last week I posted about the hopeless impossibility of keeping up with the output of quality movies, books, music, and next month, TV (curse you NBC and your claim on my Monday and Thursday nights!) And that doesn't even take into account all the great films, literature, and music from before I was even born (another under-represented person in my past movie watching has to be Capra, which fits perfectly with my actor from last week, Stewart.)
I found a quote from an article called "Time Crunch" that puts things into perspective.

"I calculated it would take me 14 years to read all the books, watch all the videos and listen to all the music in our home library - 15 if I include our eight-track tapes.

"As I decluttered, I thought of several time-saving changes we need - projects for those of you with free time. [One being to] beg entertainers to stop being so entertaining. It would be easy to quit watching LOST if they quit producing it."

-Erik Johnson

To state the obvious, this whole topic is really just about prioritizing what's important. Is watching a hundred movies from a list, or finally being caught up on all the books I own so I don't feel bad about checking others out from the library really all that important? Of course not, so why does it feel like I'm missing out if I haven't seen a given film? And then, if I watch a film and really like, I'll just feel the need to spend money on the DVD, so then it becomes, "When will I ever have time to watch this one again?" Lately my rewatches have been more TV shows more than anything, probably because they're shorter, and because The Office and Firefly never get old.

I just have to accept the fact that no matter picky I am with my entertainment dollars (which, between knowing someone who gets free movie tickets and getting movies from the library isn't even that much), the industry will always out pace me. And, no, I haven't made it around to watching anything by Raymond Bernard, yet. In fact I have 1 movie and a TV show checked out from the library.

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