At Wright-Patt they've put in removable steel posts to replace the previous orange traffic barriers. There are two lanes going through the gate. As you turn from the light, the right lane is blocked off, then the left lane, then the right lane again at the guard post. Obviously you have to drive slow and zigzag to get through them, which is the point. Not too long before I got there, one driver apparently didn't see the 3rd set of posts (and was in the right lane despite the fact that the guard post is on the left). She managed to ruin one of the posts by attempting to drive through it.
I was stopped at a red light on 202 at Executive heading South when another car pulled up on my left. The light for the cross traffic turned red and he started to creep into the intersection. Opposite-direction traffic obviously had a green arrow, as they were turning in front of us, but he continued to creep forward until he was fully half way into the intersection by the time we got a green light. He passed under 70 and pulled into the center lane, apparently to turn into Waffle House, but instead did a U-turn to head back onto 70 at the point where he could have turned left. Apparently he's much too important to wait for the left turn arrow, or to follow things like, I don't know, Ohio traffic laws, which apparently don't apply to him. I guess my question is, why did he feel an illegal U-turn is less offensive than an illegal left on red?